Services Provided to Landlords,
Managing Agents and Developers Include:
Management Strategy Reports
For any retail or mixed-use scheme, it is vital that the design team considers the operational management requirements for the on-site team that will be managing the estate in the future. Reports include advice on current plans and drawings, and recommending areas that need to be incorporated such as management suites, control rooms, welfare facilities, in addition to general security, cleaning and maintenance requirements.
Preparation Of Service Charge Budgets
For buildings yet to be built, or those currently under management, service charge reports and spreadsheets can be prepared in accordance with the RICS Practice Statement, Service Charges in Commercial Property. The most efficient service charge frameworks will be created that take into account different space users (retail, office, residential) and any appropriate weightings that can be applied.
Legal Liaison
If a developer is creating a standard lease for a new scheme, advice can be given on the necessary lease clauses to cover for landlord and tenant obligations, in addition to service charge clauses and standard list of services. Leases can be negotiated from Heads of Terms stage, through to completion.
New Instructions Set Up
A landlord buys a new scheme or a managing agent wins an instruction. They may have the team in place to do the day to day management, but they might need extra support during the set-up process. I can oversee or undertake all or part of the new scheme set-up process. This includes reading all leases, setting up details on the accounts property management system, liaison with the accounts team, staff transfer, and handover meetings with the outgoing agent. In addition, I can create standard management reporting formats, tenancy schedules and prepare an audit of immediate areas that require action.
Property Management
All areas of commercial property management can be undertaken for a landlord or managing agent including day to day management, tenant and client liaison, tenant applications, service charge budgeting and reporting, and liaising with the accounts team on debt recovery. This can be on an ongoing basis, or covering for key members of staff whilst they are away on holiday.